Magick, Orgone, Radionics
1.  Purpose
2.  Updates
3.  Inspection
4.  Warranty
5.  Disclaimer
Part 1:  Theory
1.  About Chi Generators
1.1.  Life Force and WCG
1.2.  Construction of WCG
1.3.  Purpose of the WCG
1.4.  Theory of Operation
1.4.1.  General Remarks
1.4.2.  Characteristics of Life Force
1.4.3.  Life Force and Hyper Spaces
1.4.4.  Operation of WCG
1.4.5.  Chi at any Distance
2.  Radionics and Orgone Generators
2.1.  It is Magick!
2.1.1.  The Trend-Link 
2.1.2.  The Target-Link
2.1.3.  Life Force 
2.2.  Radionics and Magick
2.2.1.  Structural Links and Life Force
2.2.2.  There’s Magick in Radionics!
2.2.3.  Radionics, Orgone, and Magick
2.3.  How Old Time Practitioners 
Have Been Generating Life Force
2.4.  The Structure of the Radionics Device
Part 2:
The Orgone Radionics Equipment 
and Accessories
1.  The EPG 1100 ET 
Operation of the EPG 1100 ET
1.1.  Setting Up
1.2.  Testing
1.3.  Setting of the Pulse Frequency
1.4.  Targeting
 1.5.  Action at a Distance 
2.  Attachments:  The Power Boosters
2.1.  The Power Booster (PB 2000)
2.2.  The Power Booster with Transfer Disk
2.3.  The Potency Booster PBTBH 2000
3.  The RAD 2000 Orgone Radionics Device
3.1.  General Description
Diagram of the RAD 2000
3.2.  Operation of the RAD 2000
3.2.1.  Setting Up:
3.3.2.  Setting of the Rate:
3.4.3.  Targeting Example: 
Success in Business.
4.  The RAD 2400 DL
Low Pulse Orgone Modules 
and Brain Frequencies
5.  The RAD 2400 HD
6.  The FPG 2400 
7.  The LPOG 2400 DL
8.  The LPOG 2200 HDS
Part 3:  Practical Uses and Hints
1.  To Increase the Power of the EPG
2.  To Improve Energy Transfer
3.  Send Energy to Yourself
5.  Use of the EPG or EPU to Energize Water
Part 4: 
A Step by Step 
Introduction to  NCP
Introductory Note
Neuro-Cybernetic Programming
Using Your Equipment from HSCTI
1.  The Beginning — Self-Help, 
Trust in Yourself!
1.1.  Feel the Energy Output
1.2.  Feel Differences in the Energy Output
1.3.  Feel the Energy Output at a Distance
1.4.  Energize Yourself with Structural Link
1.5.  Energize Distilled Water
1.7.  Self-Programming
2.  Intermediate – Practice of NCP
2.1.  Energy Transfer with the RAD 2000
2.2.  Intermediate Self-Programming
2.3.  Project Chi at Another Person,
2.4.  Relax Another Person
2.5.  Activate Another Person
2.6.  Establish a Business Success 
Program for Yourself
2.7.  Relationships
2.8.  Communications Management
3.  Advanced Methods
3.1.  Intuition, Intelligence, Creativity
3.2.  Tuning into People at a Distance
Using Structural Linkage (ESP)
3.3.  Meditation Practices
3.4.  Active Visualization Practices
The RI 2400 CD 
Radionic Program
Radionics Interface Setup
The Program
Image Boxes
Text Boxes
To use the program as an interface
with a RAD 2400 DL or RAD 2400 HDS
Conversely, to use the program as an
electronic stick pad of your 
RAD 2400 or RAD 2400 HDS

Part 4:  A Step by Step Introduction to  the “Techno-Magic” of NCP

Introductory Note
 It is very important for the beginner to go through the step-by-step practices outlined in this part of the manual before working with complex situations!  This compares to the training any beginner has to do before becoming proficient in the use of a computer or any other sophisticated piece of technological equipment.

Neuro-Cybernetic Programming

 NCP is the most advanced form of Life Force Technology.  It involves the use of life force generators and of a device that can be viewed as a universal structural link: the radionics device.  The use of these devices compares to the use of modern methods of locomotion – planes, cars, ships, etc., instead the comparably limited old methods of walking and horseback riding.  In the light of the theories that you learned in the previous chapters, the importance of the devices from HSCTI for this advanced form of life force technology is obvious!  As is the case with any form of technology, you need to learn how to use it effectively.  You will find a good introduction to effective use of this technology in the following chapters.

Using Your Equipment from HSCTI

 Unless you are a seasoned expert in the techniques of visualization, creation of thought forms, etc., it is not a good idea to use your equipment immediately in the hope to get spectacular results!  Learning to use the equipment compares to learning to drive a car, to operate a computer, or to use any other kind of equipment..  It is very important to make small steps first.  This is so, because you need to get familiar with the equipment before you operate it for high-powered work.  Nobody in his or her right mind would want to hot-rod a new sports car before having gained sufficient driving experience!  After your first acquaintance with the equipment, you continue to work on relatively small issues, ideally beginning with yourself.  Then you proceed with projecting energy at others, again in relatively small issues.  Eventually you will gain the experience and confidence that is necessary for a successful use of the equipment.  If you have studied the course “Magic of the Future,” you will have a bit more ease in the practices that follow.  Above all, in this course you will find practices that teach you how to feel and direct life energy, perhaps even see it.  In the chapters of this section, we will show you a good introductory and learning program to follow.  I strongly advise that you follow these instructions step by step, from self-help to trend management, without skipping anything.  This will help you to get the right “feel” for your equipment!  The time invested and the persistence in your practice will certainly pay off in the form of full mastery of your new equipment!

1.  The Beginning — Self-Help!

1.1.  Feel the Energy Output
 Turn the EPG on and hold the center of your palm (any hand) approximately 1 inch (2 - 3 cm) in front of the output pipe of the EPG or radionics device.  You should feel a gentle warmth, tingling, or cool breeze.  The type of feeling depends very much on the system of nerve endings that react first.  Persons who are skilled with their hands usually feel the cool breeze rather than warmth.
 Try the same thing with your wrist.  Then point the machine (about 1 to 2 inches away) at the center between your eyes.
 Rule: The EPG should never be on the ground or on a concrete floor.  In such a case, there is a possibility that the chi energy literally would be “grounded.”  Use a table, chair, or some other non-metallic stand.
 Note:  Do not get alarmed if, after getting used to your equipment, you do not feel the output anymore as strongly as you did in the beginning.  At some point you will have energized your body to capacity.  At this point it will not draw any more as much life energy as in the beginning.  Consequently your nerve endings will no longer react as strongly.  Feeling less indicates a diminished flow of chi from the machine into your body as a result of its saturation, not diminished performance of your EPG!

1.2.  Feel Differences in the Energy Output
 Turn the EPG on.  Then set it at the lowest level, i.e., the slowest blinking speed, by turning the dial all the way to the left.  Feel the output.  Then turn the dial all the way to the right.  The control light will be “solid” with no blinking.  Again feel and compare.  Feel with wrists and forehead and compare these sensations as well.

1.3.  Feel the Energy Output at a Distance
 Attach the Booster part of the PBT 2000 to the output pipe of your EPG or radionics device or simply use the transfer disks of the Heavy Duty devices.  Put the transfer disk of the PBT 2000 at a table that is at least 6 ft away from the device.  Practice as in 1.1.2.

1.4.  Energize Yourself with a Structural Link
 Now it is time to direct the energy toward yourself.  Turn on the EPG with the power booster attached.  Since Chi energy transfers at any distance (with the right structural link!), all you need to do is carry the transfer disk of the PBT 2000 with you.  You may also make a transfer diagram on paper: For smooth transfer of energies, uniqueness of the transfer diagram is important.  With unique transfer diagrams, leakage of energy is less likely.  Use a copying machine for exactness!  Design anything, even a scribble, and then make photocopies of the individual designs: two, or in some instances, three.  Discard the original diagram after you finished copying.  You end up with two designs that will have nothing like it anywhere.  Put one diagram in front of the EPG.  Take the other one somewhere else, put it on a surface, and check for transfer!  Do not put it on your knee, because your body will draw the energy and the palm of your hand will not be capable of feeling it.
 Set the speed of the EPG pulse at its highest level.  Carry the transfer disk or transfer diagram on yourself for about one or two hours.  Note the feeling of being energized that you have.
 Wait for at least two hours before you continue.  Better yet, wait overnight.  Now you set the EPG at its lowest level (the slowest blinking rate possible) by turning the knob all the way to the left.  Again, carry the transfer disk on you for one to two hours.  Compare the feelings.
 High frequencies activate, while low frequencies calm down.

1.5.  Energize Distilled Water
 Distilled water is “dead” as far as life energy is concerned.  That’s the reason for its bland taste.  For the following experiment you need two bottles of distilled water.  One bottle you put somewhere, at least 10 ft away from the EPG.  Point your EPG at the other bottle for at least 12 hours.  Compare the taste of the water in the two bottles.  You’ll be amazed!

1.6.  Relax Yourself
 Turn on the EPG with the Booster part of the PBT 2000 attached.  Set the pulse rate at its lowest level or at about 6 to 8 blinks per second.  Lie down and put the transfer disk of the PBT 2000 onto your chest or simply lay it beside yourself.  Stay in this relaxed state for about half an hour.  If you have a RAD 2000, you may set it on a relaxation rate and put the booster part of the PBT 2000 onto the stick pad of the RAD 2000.  If you have mastered Autogenic Training (course available from HSCTI), you will notice a significant deepening of the state of relaxation when you practice in conjunction with using your EPG.

1.7.  Self-Programming
 The relaxation practice was the first practice to program yourself.  Now you can continue to use other programs.  For these practices you adjust the speed of the pulse (frequency) to an adequate rate.  You may use the stick pad of your radionics device or a pendulum to determine this speed.  A good frequency is at the point where the blinking is still barely perceived – at the threshold to appearing as a solid light.  Furthermore, it is now important to either set your radionics device at a rate that reflects the desired self-programming, or you use a graphical diagram of an archetypal structure that represents the “trend” that you intend to project upon yourself (a filter), or both.
 Use filters and/or settings for: Creativity, Charisma, Convincing Speech, Leadership, People-Skills, Power to Analyze, Scientific Thinking, etc.
If you have a PBT 2000, slide the Power Booster over the output pipe and carry the transfer disk on yourself.  Limit the time to two or three hours at the beginning.
 You can enhance self-programming with the practice of Autogenic Training.

2.  Intermediate – Practice of NCP

2.1.  Energy Transfer with the RAD 2000
 The radionics device is an ideal tool for transfer.  Perform the following experiment:
(1) Take a photo (Polaroid is OK.) of the interior of a room.
(2) Choose a place somewhere in the room (maybe on top of the table).
(3) Mark a cross on the photo at that place where you want to project the energy.
(4) Put the photo onto the well of the radionics device
(5) Focusing on the place of transfer, get a rate for that place.
(6) Turn on the power generator.
(7) Go to the place and check for the energy.
You may do the same experiment with a location that is thousands of miles away!
The advantage of the radionics device is that you can reach with it anywhere.
You can get still better results when using the orgone helmet in conjunction with the radionics device.

2.2.  Intermediate Self-Programming
(with the Help of Autogenic Training, if mastered)
 Set the EPG up with the setting of the trend that you intend to project upon yourself, with the RAD 2000, a filter, or both.  The Power Booster is on the RAD 2000 stick pad or attached to the EPG if you do not use a RAD 2000.  Carry the transfer disk on yourself.  Then you relax yourself with the help of Autogenic Training and use a formulaized resolution, reflecting the desired trend, such as creativity.  The setting of the EPG pulse is at a very low level.  Practice for 5 to 10 minutes.  If you are not familiar with Autogenic Training, simply relax fully, with the trend energy directed at yourself.
 After getting out of the state of relaxation or Autogenic Training, leaving the setting of the RAD and/or the same filters in front of the EPG, you set the pulse at a higher frequency.  Keep carrying the transfer disk on yourself.  Project the chi energy at yourself for two to three hours.
 I strongly suggest mastery of Autogenic Training to enhance the success of your practice with the radionics devices

2.3.  Project Chi at Another Person, Hand or Forehead
 For this experiment, you need someone else who is willing to work with you.  If you do not find a suitable partner, do the same projections upon yourself.  Get a picture of that person (or yourself) and make at least two color photocopies of it.  A black-white photocopy will do, if it is too much trouble to get a color copy.  Take one of the copies and mark the forehead of the person.  Put the picture onto the well of your radionics device and set the rate to connect with the forehead of the person. The person should feel the energy.  As an alternative, you may do the same thing with a picture of yourself.  If you use an FPG 2400, the picture should be in front of the attached EPU.
 Next, take another picture of the same person.  Do not mark anything, but focus on the center of the palm (or any other part of that person’s body) and set your radionics device at the rate for that part while you are focusing.  Check if the person feels the impact of chi energy.  Again, do the same projection toward yourself.
 Next, simply write the name of that person on a piece of paper and the part of the body to which you intend to project chi energy.  Proceed the same way: set the rate for the desired target area.

2.4.  Relax Another Person
 The next practice is similar to practice #1.6.  However, in this case you relax the other person at a distance.  Put a picture of that person into the RAD 2000 and set the rate to connect with that person.  Turn on your EPG and point it at the RAD 2000.  Ask that person for feedback.  You do not use the PBT 2000.  Under no circumstances should you carry a transfer disk, since this could direct the energy towards yourself.  Set the EPG at its lowest frequency.  Perform the same experiment on yourself.

2.5.  Activate Another Person
 Relaxation itself energizes, of course, especially when it is combined with a flow of life energy into your body.  The idea with this practice is as follows: pulse the chi energy at a brain wave frequency that has been connected with alertness and logical thinking.  The result will be an activation of these functions of the plain waking state and better performance.  You can, of course, do the same work on yourself.  Set the frequency at a point where the control light seems almost “solid” and the blinking is a mere fast flickering.  You may, of course, use the radionics stick pad to determine the exact frequency for that purpose.  Establish that frequency the same way you establish a rate for the radionics device itself: while turning the knob of the pulse generator you rub the stick pad.  Keep the setting where you experience the “stick.”
 Keep activation for two to three hours at a time.

2.6.  Establish a Business Success Program for Yourself
 The following practices belong to the realm of neuro-cybernetic programming.  It is a continuation of the self programming technique that I was teaching you under #1.7.
 At first you determine the type success that you intend to reach and the qualities that you need to exhibit so that you can reach this success.
As an example: You have a business that barely gets by and you intend to expand it.
 There are several contributing factors to success in business.  For a good program you need to examine all of them.
 One of the most important questions concerns the feasibility of the business that you are trying to expand.  For instance, I do know some people who did make money in Multi-Level Marketing business, but the odds are stacked heavily against most who ventures in this type of hype.  MLM makes money, but in the main for the company that launches the pyramid and keeps the hype going that guarantees near-slave labor.  Perhaps when you truly acquired mastership in operating your equipment, you may have a chance in that sort of business.
 In other words: the business that you are launching, or expanding, should be a good choice.
 The next factor is your attitude toward money.  This attitude acts like a thermostat in most people.  They are set to a specific range.  If the bottom of this range is reached, they do everything to make more money.  When they reach beyond the top, they do everything to get back down into their niche.  Irrational?  Perhaps, but it’s the way most people are acting subconsciously.
 If you are serious with expanding your business – or expanding into higher income, you need to set your thermostat at a higher level!  As one wealthy person once said: Being rich is always being one step above.
 The next factor is decisions and implementing them.  This has to do with activity, good sense and good management skills concerning yourself and your business.
 The fourth factor is people skills.  In mast cases, success is intertwined with interaction with people: employees, partners, investors, clients, professionals, etc.  Most business decisions are made as a result of sympathy and antipathy rather  than logic.
 There are still more factors to consider, but here I just mentioned the main ones.  For success you need to work on all of them, one by one.  Use the filters of the business and Money Pack or set you radionics devices to program your skills, one by one.  For instance, work on efficiency by setting the rates on your RAD 2000 or FPG 2400 for that purpose and direct the energy toward yourself.  Keep notes about your success – the way things are better than before.  Then continue with convincing speech and simple people skills.  If you have a retail store, your should notice higher sales tickets.  You may influence your employees in a similar way: Use one setting to target the employee and another setting to program the employee for people skills and convincing speech.  Or you may work on a prospect for a contract by causing that person to be more sympathetic toward you.  This, again, is programming at a distance.  Above all, work on setting your “money-stat” at a higher level!

2.7.  Relationships
 Programming for successful relationships is done on as complex a background as is the case with business.  Again you have many contributing factors to a successful relationship.  I remember having done a “love spell” for a client, using my equipment.  Since they had a relationship that was just on the brink of breaking up, they made love the same night.  The neuro-cosmic programming could have worked well.  However, my client started immediately showering the lady with the same traditionalist demands that blew the relationship to begin with.  I managed to patch it up two more times, but eventually she did what she had to do: she left the obsessive guy, although she did like him.  Her freedom was worth more to her than the prospect of living in traditional submission.  Obsession and the attempt to force another person into a pre-conceived mold can be an insurmountable interference.  Another problem appears when one person wants “sex only.”  If the target’s personality has strong objections against that type relationship, it won’t work.  If the target is made to believe that this relationship is “it,” she or he may react to the programming.  However, in such case be aware of the consequences!  In my praxis I came across scores of jilted lovers who were promised marriage, etc., just to find out that all that the partner wanted was some fun.  Because of their personality structure, they did not only suffer as a consequence, but also ended up going from one spiritual worker to another, paying exorbitant sums, usually without success, just to get their “soul mate” back!  (many gypsy fortune tellers and other spiritual workers are using the “soul mate” trick to keep them paying!)
 Good advice: Start small, program yourself first, then gradually work on increasingly difficult situations!

2.8.  Communications Management
 This is somewhat easier than the preceding two fields.  Use the equipment to increase your skills of decisive action, leadership skills, convincing speech, and making people feel good in your presence, etc.  Use your radionics device and/or filters for that purpose.  If you want to program another person put the picture of that person together with the structural representation of the desired trend into the well of the RAD 2000 and set the rate.  Then point the EPG at the RAD 2000.
 Note: To cause a person being more favorably inclined toward you — with the goal of a relationship, you may start out by programming that person in some observable people skills.  Once you notice that you hit target, you can continue with the programming in your direction.
 When I had a construction business, I used to put “love spells” on the people to whom I submitted estimates.  Most of the time I could beat lower estimates that way!  I mentioned above and I repeat it here: Most decisions in business are not based on logic, but on personal likes and dislikes.

3.  Advanced Methods
 All advanced methods work best when you practice in conjunction with Autogenic Training.  Persons with experience in the handling of life energy have an additional advantage.

3.1.  Intuition, Intelligence, Creativity
(1) Using the appropriate filter set radionics rate of the radionics device or FPG 2400.
(2) Using the stick pad, set the pulse speed (frequency) of the EPG or EPU (not needed when you use an FPG 2400)
(3) Slide the PBT 2000 power booster over the output pipe of the power generator.
(4) Get into a lying position.
(5) Put the transfer disk of the PBT 2000 in your pocket or lay it on your chest.
(6) Enter the state of Autogenic Training.
(7) Visualize or imagine yourself with the envisioned skills.
(8) After 10 to 15 minutes get up and put the transfer disk into your pocket and go about your business, ideally being involved in activities that require the skills of your programming.
(9) Keep the energy active and transferring to you for at least three hours.

3.2.  Tuning into People at a Distance Using Structural Linkage (ESP)
 To this point you have become familiar with the principle of structural linkage with the medium of life energy and you have followed practices that make use of the transfer of life energy at any distance with the help of near-identical and equivalent structures.  This principle, namely that distance is a result of structural differences as far as transfer of life energy is concerned, leads naturally to an understanding of some phenomena that have been largely unexplainable to this point.  Gaining a linkage to any point with help of the medium of life energy, we can perform that which some researchers call “extrasensory perception” or “extrasensory projection,” in brief, ESP.  The fact that the distance played hardly any significant role in experiments with ESP has puzzled many researchers of the past.  We know that this phenomenon is the result of structural linkage, in which distance in “space” indeed is irrelevant.
 The practice that follows makes use of this principle in a big way.  To this point you have established structural linkage with the help of radionics device, photos, etc.  Now you are using your brain to establish a structural link with a distant object or person.  With its visualization and imagining power, the brain is in fact an ideal tool to establish structural links.  Its disadvantage is that these visualization images are fleeting.  In other words, you cannot hold them for any extended period of time as you can do with structural links of the kind that you have used up to now.  However, if you use special techniques to stay for a few minutes with a specific image in order to explore that to which the image connects, you can gain valuable information about that target.
 We have demonstrated that distance is a result of structural differences.  Therefore, if, with the help of imagination/visualization, your brain establishes such a structural link to a target, you are right there.  The skill is to adapt your sensory apparatus to the impressions that you get from your target to fit your perceptions.  In other words, you need to train yourself to translate impressions that are transmitted through the medium of life energy (chi) into visual images, sounds, feelings, hunches, etc., for this linkage to become a valid tool of ESP.  The equipment from HSCTI can help you achieve this goal.
(1) Select a target
(2) Set a rate for ESP enhancement on your radionics device or FPG 2400, perhaps put the appropriate filter into the well or in front of the EPU.  With the second tuner, a second RAD 2000 or FPG 2400, select your target.
(3) Set the frequency of your EPG at a low level (Exception: when you use an FPG 2400)
(4) With a headband, attach a structural link to the back of your head.  If you use the PBT 2000 transfer disk, attach the Booster part to the EPG
(5) Turn on the power.
(6) Mentally focus on the target and wait for impressions, thoughts, pictures, etc., to emerge.
(7) Time:  About 15 to 20 minutes.  Not more!  Above all, don’t expect immediate results unless you have had previous training.

3.3.  Meditation Practices
 To many of us, meditation had always a purpose: namely to enhance my mental capabilities.  If your meditation has a religious goal, use the practices described in 3.2. for that purpose.  Set the rates of the radionic devices accordingly and focus on that goal.

3.4.  Active Visualization Practices
 Active visualization has to do with the generating of specific trends by visualizing a desired result.  With the outcome in mind, you set then in motion a variety of trend energies that eventually will lead to your goal.  If you are good at this technique, you need no longer know what trends you should create to get the desired result.  You leave it up to your subconscious that, in some way, you connected with the equipment

 The above should have given you a good introduction into operating successfully our equipment!  If you have not yet worked any form of visualization, treasure mapping, and the like, it is very important that you practice all exercises step by step.
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