Magick, Orgone, Radionics
1. Purpose
2. Updates
4. Warranty
5. Disclaimer
Part 1: Theory
1. About
Chi Generators
Life Force and WCG
Construction of WCG
Purpose of the WCG
Theory of Operation
1.4.1. General
Characteristics of Life Force
Life Force and Hyper Spaces
Operation of WCG
Chi at any Distance
Radionics and Orgone Generators
2.1. It
is Magick!
The Trend-Link
The Target-Link
Life Force
Radionics and Magick
Structural Links and Life Force
There’s Magick in Radionics!
Radionics, Orgone, and Magick
How Old Time Practitioners
Been Generating Life Force
The Structure of the Radionics Device
Part 2:
The Orgone Radionics Equipment
and Accessories
The EPG 1100 ET
of the EPG 1100 ET
1.1. Setting
1.2. Testing
Setting of the Pulse Frequency
Action at a Distance
Attachments: The Power Boosters
The Power Booster (PB 2000)
The Power Booster with Transfer Disk
The Potency Booster PBTBH 2000
The RAD 2000 Orgone Radionics Device
3.1. General
Diagram of the
RAD 2000
Operation of the RAD 2000
Setting Up:
Setting of the Rate:
Targeting Example:
in Business.
The RAD 2400 DL
Pulse Orgone Modules
Brain Frequencies
The RAD 2400 HD
The FPG 2400
The LPOG 2400 DL
The LPOG 2200 HDS
Part 3:
Practical Uses and Hints
To Increase the Power of the EPG
To Improve Energy Transfer
Send Energy to Yourself
Use of the EPG or EPU to Energize Water
Part 4:
A Step by Step
Introduction to NCP
Introductory Note
Using Your
Equipment from HSCTI
The Beginning — Self-Help,
in Yourself!
Feel the Energy Output
Feel Differences in the Energy Output
Feel the Energy Output at a Distance
Energize Yourself with Structural Link
Energize Distilled Water
Intermediate – Practice of NCP
Energy Transfer with the RAD 2000
Intermediate Self-Programming
Project Chi at Another Person,
Relax Another Person
Activate Another Person
Establish a Business Success
for Yourself
2.7. Relationships
Communications Management
Advanced Methods
Intuition, Intelligence, Creativity
Tuning into People at a Distance
Structural Linkage (ESP)
Meditation Practices
Active Visualization Practices
The RI 2400 CD
Radionic Program
Interface Setup
The Program
Image Boxes
Text Boxes
use the program as an interface
a RAD 2400 DL or RAD 2400 HDS
to use the program as an
stick pad of your
RAD 2400
or RAD 2400 HDS
Other: |
Part 1: Theory
1. About Chi Generators
1.1. Life Force
and Welz Chi Generators
The WELZ CHI GENERATORS are devices that generate life force.
The WELZ CHI GENERATOR is named so after its inventor, Karl Hans Welz.
He has also developed the hyper space mathematics that is useful to describe
and understand the principles and functions of life force and the interactions
of these energies with the space-time continuum that conventional physics
attempts to describe. Hyperspace mathematics formulates models of
spaces that explain and describe direct transfer of life energy (as our
scientists have proven experimentally) and the interaction of structural
links. The basic principle of hyperspace mathematics is the following:
Distance is a result of structural difference. In fact, this statement
has as well validity in the space that is defined by electromagnetic frequencies
(EMF’s). The structures in this latter case are defined by patterns
that are formed by EMF’s while the structures for the orgone-space are
defined by life force related patterns. With the experimentation
in the last part of the manual you will find evidence of the above.
Life force has had many names throughout the ages. People
of the East called this energy PRANA, CHI, or KI. The Polynesians
gave it the name MANA. In the West, researchers developed scientific
concepts of this energy during the past 200 years. They too gave
this energy many names. Usually the name given reflected the aspect
of this energy that an individual scientist explored: Solar Ether
(Korschelt), Odic Force (von Reichenbach), Animal Magnetism (Mesmer), Universal
Life Force, Light Energy, Orgone Energy (Reich), and many other names.
Besides the groups that conduct a scientifically oriented research of life
force, there have been many esoteric schools in the West that have used
life force throughout the millennia. This fact, perhaps, was one
of the reasons why life force and its effects came in disrespect with the
majority of academic scientists. Oddly enough, many of those supposedly
rationally thinking folks adhere to some religious creed or other form
of mysticism in their spare time. I am wondering if that attitude
is called schizophrenia or, perhaps, double personality.
1.2. Construction Principles of Welz Generators
The principle of a WELZ CHI GENERATOR is the following: Whenever
fields of life force are shifting in relation to each other, additional
life force is generated. The original EPG 2000 had two reservoirs
(fields) of life force that are maintained by two orgone accumulators that
are layered with metallic and organic materials. A magnet stabilizes
one of the fields, while the other field is brought into pulsation by means
of a pulse generator.
This pulsation causes shifting of both life force fields and
consequently an increase in power. A person close to the generator
or close to a structural link that connects with a generator will draw
this life force and usually feel it. We have conducted double blind
studies of this fact and measured the slow increase of the life force potential
in humans and plants when they are drawing energy from chi generators.
1.3. Purpose of the
Chi Generator
The purpose of the Welz Chi Generator is the generating of life
force for practical use. There are many uses for this energy.
The application ranges from self-improvement including relaxation, meditation,
autogenic training, and self hypnosis, all the way to getting an edge over
competitors in every day activities by way of influencing other people
or by generating the appropriate trend energies. Our experimentation
established irrefutably that life force can be projected at any distance.
This manual describes orgone radionics devices, i.e., radionics devices
that are powered by Welz Chi Generators.
1.4. Theory of Operation of the Welz Chi Generators
1.4.1. General Remarks
As the name implies, the Welz Chi Generator is a generator of
life energies.
Our understanding of energies that are applied technologically
determine the way in which we see our universe. This way of seeing
the universe then determines the basis for a mathematical system that is
used to describe our universe and to develop new technologies.
The INVISIBLE energies of electricity, magnetism, gravitation,
and radioactivity were at the basis of the model of the universe that academic
physicists are trying to establish. Presently, the “official” academic
mapping of the universe restricts itself to very few branches of knowledge
such as the laws of relativity (Einstein) and quantum mechanics, both of
which are mutually incompatible, yet very valuable in describing phenomena
that fall within their specific realms.
Knowledge of the laws that govern invisible energies allowed
the development of many technologies, from power plants to computers to
nuclear technology. The energies that the academic physicist attempts
to understand have two important characteristics: The first characteristic
of electromagnetic energy is that its strength diminishes with the square
of distance in (visible) space. The farther away you are from a light
bulb, the dimmer is the light that you perceive. The second characteristic
is that electromagnetic energy follows the law of ENTROPY. If two
systems connect where one has a high level and the other a low level of
energy, an exchange follows, in which energy flows from the high level
to the low level until an energetic balance is achieved.
Life energy, too, is INVISIBLE in most of its manifestations.
Some people see it as a fine mist or lumination. (You can learn to
see and feel life energies when you study the course “Life Energy Technology
of the Future” by Karl Hans Welz.) Of recent, we can OBSERVE the
effects of life force in a similar way as we can observe the effects of
electricity: with the help of scientific instruments. Wilhelm
Reich demonstrated that an electroscope deflects faster in an atmosphere
that is charged with life energy.
Throughout the millennia, life energy had many names: CHI
and PRANA in the East, MANA in Polynesia, universal life force, animal
magnetism, Odic force, and Solar ether in the West. It all depended
on the specific use of this energy. We know now that we can direct
it mentally and that we can use it to generate and transfer thought forms.
A thought form is an idea, frozen, so to say, that is at the root of a
trend that we establish and project at a target.
The problem with life force up to very recently was that
there was no device known to measure this energy. In the minds of
many people, especially some folks from academia, the movement of the needle
of an instrument is more valid than direct perception of the bodily senses.
Therefore, they do not give any credence to life energy even though there
are many people who can FEEL this energy and who can even SEE it.
Of recent, HSCTI has developed devices to measure life energy.
What is important for the work that you are going to perform
with your EPG and/or combination devices are the specific characteristics
of the energy it generates. Unlike electromagnetic energy, life force
does not “travel” through the three-dimensional space the same way as light
and other electromagnetic waves do. It “jumps” space by means of
structural links. This observable and measurable phenomenon we can
also formulate in another way: The space that is determined by life
energy is essentially different from the space that is determined by electromagnetic
frequencies (EMF’s). In the space of life force, distance is determined
by differences of structures pertaining to the space of electromagnetic
energy. More recent experimentation led us to believe that this statement
can be inverted, i.e., that the distance of the space of EMF’s can be determined
by structural differences of the space of LF (life force).
1.4.2. Characteristics of Life Force
Life force has two important characteristics:
1. When you have two fields of life force, one with a stronger
and another one with a weaker potential, then the stronger draws from the
weaker. We call this process NEGATIVE ENTROPY.
2. The second characteristic has to do with its transfer.
The transfer of life energy is independent from the three dimensional space
that academic physicists attempt to describe. It is LIKENESS or SIMILARITY
OF STRUCTURE that determines the strength of transfer, not so much the
distance in the visible space. This second characteristic makes direct
transfer possible even to very distant places. In this transfer we
lose hardly any energy. If you have IDENTICAL STRUCTURES, you have
a direct link for the flow of life force, no matter how far apart the identical
structures are in physical space. Similarity of structure may be
of a near-equal kind or of an equivalent kind. Learn more about this
distinction in the course “Magic of the Future” by Karl Hans Welz.
Equivalent structures are our essential keys to energies of a higher order
(HOE’s), or trend energies — and the reason of the working of radionics
devices and other structural links, some of true cosmic proportions!
1.4.3. Life Force
and Hyper Spaces
Classical physics limits itself solely to examining the universe
of electromagnetic energies. Therefore, the purely academic physicist
is incapable to account for the effects of life force. Such an approach
would be fine if the “academian” did not attempt to tell us that his/her
approach does explain “everything”! If confronted with measurable
effects of life force that do not fit this type of worldview, those effects
are all too often conveniently “explained away” and debunked!
To account for phenomena of life force in relation to the relativistic
universe, we had to develop a NEW PHYSICS, together with a NEW PICTURE
OF THE UNIVERSE and a NEW MATHEMATICS. This new mapping of the universe
had to account for the vast realm of new science, new emerging technologies,
and all the other observable effects of life force.
Thorough examination of the many effects of life force, therefore,
gave rise to a concept of a universe that connects relativity (Einstein)
with life force phenomena, including some “miracles” and other “disturbing”
phenomena that are so difficult to explain within the framework of rigid
limitations of the academic physicist.
We had to develop a NEW HYPER SPACE MATHEMATICS. One remarkable
result of this new system of mathematics are hyperspace technologies and
generators of life energy such as the WELZ CHI GENERATORS. The EPG
2000 was the first commercially available WELZ GENERATOR. Now HSCTI
is offering many more of these truly amazing machines.
A full theory of hyperspace energies would go much beyond the
scope of this manual. The terms of universal life force, chi, prana,
ki, mana, odic force, etc., are interchangeable. To account for this,
we are using the most used terms, such as life force (LF), life energy,
orgone, and chi in the following.
Principles of Operation of Welz Chi Generators
More that 200 years ago Franz Anton Mesmer has observed that
the shifting of life energy fields relatively to each other generates life
force. The practice of “mesmerizing” by moving the hands along the
body is using this principle. The “animal magnetism” (Mesmer’s term
for LF) that such practice generates creates a feeling of well being and
calmness in the individual thus treated. Mesmer’s method reminds
us of the process of generating electricity in which magnetic fields are
shifted relative to conductors.
The Welz Chi Generator makes use of this principle. However,
in the commercially available Welz Chi Generator, the shift of fields of
life energy is not done mechanically. It is done by means of electromagnetic
1.4.5. The Welz Chi Generator projects Chi at any Distance
We can explain the action at a distance with HYPER SPACE MATHEMATICS.
Hyperspace mathematics provides our scientists with the tools to develop
new ways of working at a distance, and with an understanding of why action
at a distance is possible.
For practical purposes, we can state the following: the use of
identical or equivalent structures creates a window in the space time continuum
through which a direct contact between the two structures, i.e., an exchange
or transfer of life force, can occur. If we modify this life force
with specific ideas, then we can transfer these ideas with the help of
the life force and act upon the target. For instance, if you take
some of your hair and put it at the output of any Welz Chi Generator, life
energy is transferred to your whole body. This is so because the
basic structure of your hair (the genetic code of the hair cells) is the
same as it is for every cell of your body. In this case, the life
force transfers to you and only to you! Hair is an ideal structural
link to a person. Almost equally good can be a photo.
2. Radionics
and Orgone Generators
The principles of radionics can be best understood when viewed
in the light of orgone technology, or orgone physics. Many jokingly
refer to the radionics device as “the voodoo doll of the modern age”.
There is more to this comparison than we may suspect at first. When
recognized in its function as a universal structural link, or universal
magical sigil (or symbol), the radionics device quite naturally reveals
its magical nature. Let’s first examine the principles of magic and
then let’s see how this compares to radionics.
2.1. It is Magick!
Magic is the projection of life force
that is dynamized by the human will
(“Methodical Treatise of Practical Magick” by Papus)
Action at a Distance — its Common Functioning Principle (CFP)!
“Magick is action that uses structural links, utensils, and life force”
(“Magick of the Future” by Karl Hans Welz)
The three basic factors of any successful work with subtle energies
(or magick) are: the trend-link (representing the planned effect), the
target-link (representing the target), and life force! A magickal
operation that neglects any one of these three basic factors is doomed
to fail, regardless of intent, traditionalist connection, spiritual training,
and what not! That, and only that, is the reason why some magick
does not work, even if the would-be practitioner followed all instructions
We found that the same holds true for all radionics work.
It’s not so much the “talent” of the radionics practitioner of some “hidden
powers” that make a difference between impact and lack of impact, it’s
the structural connection with trend and target, plus the amount of life
force that counts. Therefore the orgone radionics device is a natural
evolution of the traditional radionics device that is just a structural
2.1.1. The
Trend-Link in Magick and Radionics
Trend-Links (representing the desired effect) are devices, symbols,
frequency patterns, symbolic objects, magickal incenses, oils, or in our
case, radionic settings, sometimes referred to as “rates”. They have
one thing in common: they establish a symbolic connection with a desired
effect, or with the desired solution of a problem. Sometimes such
trend-links may represent typical energies of a more metaphysical classification
such as the effects ascribed to planets, elements, etc., all of which represent
desired change, or effect. Being representatives of desires, the
trend-links are sometimes viewed as modulators of life force (orgone, chi)
so that the projected life force field gives inclination to a specific
action. Some magickal traditions such as Sympathetic Magick,
Voodoo, and Santeria, teach the preparation of trend-links (“utensils”)
of a very complex nature, especially when the problem to solve is a complicated
The trend-link (or rate representing the trend) that we establish
with a radionics device is simple and extremely flexible. It does
not involve long-winded incantations and time consuming rites of preparation.
The Target-Link in Magick and Radionics
The Target-Link (often also called “psychic link”) is an object,
symbol, radionic setting, etc., that connects with the target of your magickal
work. This target may be another person or you. The target-link
causes a direct flow of life force (with an attached effect) to the target
that it represents. The diagram that you find on the test for life
force transfer is such a target-link. It connects with a Welz Chi
Generator in our laboratories. Practitioners of many traditions use
hair, clothing, photos, etc., of persons that they target.
Important! Both, the target-link and the trend-link are
structural representations of either trends (desired change) or targets
of your action.
2.1.3. Life Force in Magick and Radionics
Life Force (“psychic power”) may be viewed as being the carrier
medium to the target for the desired effect. Moreover, life force
amplifies the desired trend into a field that surrounds the target person
to cause a powerful effect! It’s like a force field of destiny that
the target person carries around: a force of destiny that gives inclination
to the desired goal. Experienced practitioners of all times knew
very well this simple fact: No action at a distance, or magick, without
life force! Life Force carries the secret of positive permanent change
and mind control at a distance. Therefore Life Force is the motor
of all magick and radionics!
2.2. About Radionics
and Magick
Both, Radionics and Magick have the same Common Functioning Principle,
or CFP. Therefore some people refer to the radionics device as being “the
voodoo doll of the modern age”. Those persons are certainly right,
as far as the common functioning principle of all magick is concerned:
a principle that encompasses the functioning of radionics as well. We can
say that all magick is action (usually at a distance) that involves the
use of structural links (some prefer the word “psychic links”) and life
force. For more details see the course “Magick of the Future”.
The same holds true for radionics.
In fact, from a point of view of practical magick, you may regard
the radionics box as a “universal sigil” and a “universal psychic link”
combined. What the traditional radionics device lacks is life force.
Structural Links and Life Force in Radionics and Magick
We have proven experimentally that life force transfers via structural
links. The intensity, or power, of the transfer is determined by
the similarity of the structural links involved, not by distance as we
commonly understand it.
This same characteristic causes life force seem to be a “carrier”
of structural representations: The typical radionics device connects structurally
at least to two factors: one structural connection is established to a
target, while the other connection is established to an envisioned trend
(or desired effect). To establish such links, the traditional magician
uses the items that are typical for the magickal arsenal: sigils, oils,
incenses, photos, symbols, personal items, magickally charged objects,
In the radionics device as well as on the magickal “altar” both
links are combined. With sufficient life force present, a bridge
is established between target and trend, which causes in the target inclination
toward a desired effect. This is so, because within the universe
of life force the “distance” between the targeted trend and the targeted
person is reduced to a factor close to zero. Due to life force transfer,
the targeted person comes now in direct contact with the targeted trend.
You have gained this evidence by performing the test of the transfer
of life force. This structural view of radionics or magick that we
can prove experimentally makes a lot more sense than assuming “frequencies”
in radionics that have never been measured. Give this, perhaps “unorthodox”,
view of radionics a chance and you will notice that many things simply
fall in place! Apply it to your magickal operations and your flexibility,
power, and ultimately effectiveness will most certainly increase significantly!
A structural link is anything that connects with an object, target,
or desire that allows a transfer of life force. I like to use the
term “structural link”, because in the basic experiment (see the transfer
test) we are using structures that for all practical purposes can be called
“identical”. In the case of the transfer test, both structures are
identical diagrams printed on paper.
Practitioners of magick of all ages used a variety of structural
Pictures, especially photos, are great structural links and much
in use in magick as well as in radionics.
Practitioners of magick have also been using signatures, personal
objects, clothing, blood, hair, etc.
All of these objects have one thing in common. They carry
the genetic code of the target person, which is unique: either in relative
large quantity (blood, hair) or in minute quantities such as skin rubbings
on a signature, on clothing, and on other personal objects.
If we focus mentally on some person, location, desired event,
etc., our brain establishes a structural link. For magickal purposes,
such focussing has some problems: namely that we cannot focus to
one and the same thing at all times. This is so, because “moving
around” is one of the characteristics of our brain. Therefore practitioners
of magick developed methods to “freeze” these structural links. Magickal
objects that are prepared with the intent to connect to a specific target,
or trend, are such links. A good example is a voodoo doll (we are
full circle back to radionics). So are sigils (magickal symbols)
that are made with a specific intent in mind. Because of the processes
of abstraction and focusing that are involved, we label these sigils or
objects “equivalent structural links” as compared to the more obvious “near-identical”
or “similar structural links”
Again, with our equipment, i.e., the Welz Chi Generators, we
have experimentally proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that such equivalent
structural links (such as the rate in a radionics device or a magickal
sigil) allow transfer of life force as effectively as near-identical links
Besides this experimental proof, practitioners of magick could
have told us the same thing all along thousands of years ago! All
their work and experience are based on the principle of life force transfer
at any distance.
If you connect a desired structure (a desired “trend”) with a
specific target such as a person, then there is an “influence” of this
trend upon that person, i.e., the person has inclination towards the specified
goal. The envisioned result will manifest, provided that the person
follows the line of least resistance and provided that there are no significant
trends working at the same time that deny or block manifestation. Such
an interference does also exist whenever the envisioned goal does not match
the individual structure of the target person, i.e., if this goal constitutes
a wish with a very low chance of manifestation.
2.2.2. There’s Magick
in Radionics!
A radionics device establishes non-fleeting structural links
(contrary to the brain, which has the characteristic of “moving around”)
and so do magical objects, or sigils. That’s the reason why a simple
diagram of a radionics device will have a similar effect as the device
Therefore a radionics device may also be called a “universal
magical sigil”. It is a simple device that establishes structural
links and holds these structures longer than our brain would.
Seen under this aspect, a radionics device is certainly not electronic
equipment. The potentiometers, variable capacitors, amplifiers, more
recently calculators, etc., are nothing but elements of this device that
allow to establish specific settings of the device, sometimes referred
to as “rates” or “frequencies”. The word “frequency” as used in radionics
has nothing to do with Hertzian frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Because of the potential of serious mixing-up of these two meanings of
“frequency” and some utter nonsense that resulted from the use of that
label, I do not like to use it in connection with radionics. I prefer
the term “structural link”.
It is important to know that what counts for the success of a
radionics operation is not the specific make-up of the device that you
use to establish equivalent structural links. It is the amount of
life force used for the operation and the sophistication and adaptivity
of the envisioned trend energies.
It is obvious by now that the radionics device is a tool to establish
equivalent structural links that connect to any desired target, trend,
or both.
The advantage of the radionics device over the methods of traditional
magick, such as sigils, oils, dolls, etc., lies in the fact of its incredible
flexibility. Sigils, oils, etc., are designed for one thing and one
thing only. The radionics device, on the other hand, can be set up
for any purpose. It is universal. Some practitioners of magick
like to use magickal sigils in connection with radionic settings.
This way they can tie into well-established energy patterns (the magickal
sigil) which they modify for a specific purpose with the radionics device.
Seen radionics under this aspect, and after performing the life
energy transfer test, I suggest that you examine (at your convenience)
the many theories on the various radionics web sites that have been made
to explain the workings of radionics.
If you want to get an even healthier laugh, check out those web
sites, of course, where you find all the reasons why radionics supposedly
does not work! If it was up to those folks, humankind would not even
have learned yet to swing stone axes or to live in caves. A rock
cannot reliably cut flesh, ... right?
Keep in mind: at times the wrong assumption will lead to useful
results faster than would the correct one” (Marconi, the inventor of the
radio, assumed that EMF’s follow the curvature of the Earth, hence he hurried
to establish a transatlantic wireless communication.)
That counts also for the theories that I am presenting here.
If they are not wrong now, they certainly will be at some later date, hopefully
as a result of scientific progress in radionics.
2.2.3. Radionics,
Life Force, and Magick (a few theoretical considerations)
1. Radionics is based on equivalent structural links. Study “Magick
of the Future” to gain more insights about structural links.
2. The radionic setting (rate) that you establish with the stick
pad, pendulum, or any other method, establishes a structural link either
to a target or to a trend or to both, dynamizes the life force towards
a specific action. The rate is a structural representation of a specific
action upon the target, a representation of the target, or both.
One link reduces the connection with a specific trend energy to near-zero.
The other link reduces the connection to the target to near-zero.
The result is that the connection between trend energy and target is reduced
to near-zero. The stronger the field of life force, the stronger
is the connection between trend energy and target.
3. For Life energy transfer, DISTANCE IS A RESULT OF STRUCTURAL
4. Therefore, the strength of the transfer and the speed with
which the desired effect takes place depends in the main on the strength
of the life force field that surrounds the radionics device, or magickal
operation. This is an important fact that most radionics practitioners
are unaware of. What they know is that some people are more “gifted” than
others. We know that the person who is capable of generating life energies
and more powerful than the person who simply sets the rates.
5. In a magickal sense, the radionics device is a universal sigil.
Its rate determines the nature and the effect of a magickal energy, or
“entity” (such as an angel, deva, spirit, or genius)
6. With an adequate and continuous supply of life force, the
radionics device is superior to most traditional magickal operations.
It is certainly more flexible and easier to manage.
7. Ideally you can ensure a continuous supply of life force with
a Welz Chi Generator or with a system of Welz Chi Generators. Three generators
in a series are a powerful setup.
8. The astrological zodiac constitutes a natural radionics device
of cosmic proportions. Its “rates” are set by planetary positions. There
is nothing on this planet to which there is no structural link to that
large radionics system. It is the life force of the Solar system (the universe)
that provides the structural transfer of astrological energies that are
responsible for trends. The nature of this device can give us insights
about the laws of time itself!
9. You may design any astrological chart, put it in the radionics
device, and establish a rate that represents the energies of this chart.
The rate that you establish this way either represents a person who has
this specific horoscope or a transit, or both. Ideally, you can use the
ATGS (Astro Trend Generating System, a specially built orgone generator
— Welz Chi Generator) to generate any trend of your liking! For this
purpose, it is irrelevant whether astrology “works” or not as a divinatory
10. If the radionics rate represents a person, you can use it
to act upon him or her at a distance. In this case, it is good to have
an additional structural connection such as the name of the person in question,
a photo, etc. A second radionics device (with interface) will establish
an astrological transit or any other trend energy that you send to help
this person.
NOTE: Besides the hyper space approach (distance is a result
of structural difference) there exist several theories that attempt to
describe the mind-boggling effects of radionics, astrology, and magick.
These theories cover a wide range of speculation such as a holographic
approach, frequencies, “soft” electrons, lots of “ethers,” inner and higher
planes. None of them can explain in EASY terms some of the key functions
of radionics nor did they lead to new basic facts or to significant new
technology. Of a theory, I expect that it is as simple as possible, that
it is comprehensive, and that it leads effortlessly to new basic facts.
Magick is action that uses life force and structural links.
Seen under this aspect, radionics is magick that uses technological devices
(such as computer programs and black boxes) as universal structural links
that can be tuned to any desired trend and/or target.
2.3. How Old
Time Practitioners Have Been Generating Life Force
From the previous chapter it became obvious that, to act successfully
at a distance, even thousands of miles away, shamans, spiritual workers
and practitioners of magick of all ages had to find ways of generating
the necessary life force, or “psychic power.” Their approaches have
been as varied as the cultures and religions into which they were born.
The more evolved practitioners of magick always knew how to draw
life energy from the universe around them. The majority of practitioners,
however, used an array of other methods such as generating life force in
one’s own body (tai chi), generating it by means of strong emotions, and
by having groups dance or walk in circles. Some traditions such as
Voodoo and Santeria are still practicing animal sacrifice to cause strong
releases of life force.
2.4. The
Structure of the Radionics Device
Based on the previously described facts the structure of the
radionics device becomes obvious:
Each “traditional” radionics device has typically one tuner,
one well, and one stick pad. The purpose of the stick pad is the
setting of the tuner.
The well serves several purposes.
(1) You may put into the well a structural link that connects with
your target.
(2) You may put into is a description of the purpose of your operation
as a help for tuning.
The purpose of the tuner(s) (three, five, nine, or more knobs)
is to establish settings of equivalent structural links.
The stick pad is a device that helps the operator in the setting
of the tuner by means of ideomotor movement. To set the equivalent
structural link the operator focuses on the target person(s), desired effect
or a combination of both. Links that represent the person, effect,
etc. can be put onto the well area (the “input” for that purpose) to aid
the process, but they are not a necessity. While focusing, the operator
gently rubs the stick pad (the “output”) with the finger or thumb while
turning the knobs, one by one, with the other hand. The knob’s position
is indicated, whenever a feeling different than the rubbing sensation appears.
This feeling is different for every person. Some feel as if the finger
cannot move as freely anymore: from a tough rubbing sensation to the sensation
of the finger being slightly blocked, or “sticking” to the stick pad.
Most materials are suitable for stick pads. Radionics experts
prefer materials that have some softness such as soft plastics. Our
radionics devices have stick pads that are made of life force accumulating
There are radionics devices on the market that use methods for
tuning other than the stick pad such as skin resistance meters and other
electronic arrangements.
From the above, i.e., the importance of life force in radionics,
it is certainly evident that the orgone generator can be an integral part
of a well functioning radionics device.
Below see the diagrams of a traditional radionics device with
three knobs, well and stick pad and the orgone-boosted RAD 2000, which
is an orgone radionics device that has a built-in life force generator.
The difference is obvious. No longer plays the assumed “giftedness”
or “spiritual skill” of the radionics operator (i.e., his/her capability
of consciously or — in most cases — subconsciously supplying the radionics
device with life force) any role when the RAD 2000 or any other radionics
device from HSCTI is used. In other words: Radionics is now accessible
to any person who wants to use it.
The schematics of a magickal operation:
1. Life Force connects trend and trend-link, target and target-link.
2. The connection of trend-link and target-link at the place
of the operation causes a connection between trend and target.
3. The magician knows to release strong life force that connects
trend and target.
Schematics of the RAD 2400 HDS. The advantage of this orgone-boosted
radionics device is the fact that the built-in Welz Chi Generator supplies
strong life force continuously!
A simplified radionics device is any “beamer” type machine such
as the new EPG 1100 ET.
With this device, the structural characteristics become very
obvious. It is the orgone generator that makes the “beaming” at a
distance, i.e., the connection of a target with a specific energy, an easy
The target person can either sit in front of the device or connect
with it by means of a transfer disk or any other structure for energy transfer.
In the beamer type radionics device, the main purpose of the
well is as a place where you put the various structural links whose connected
energies you beam at a person. For instance, if there is a homeopathic
preparation on the well area, the characteristics of this preparation can
be received by the target person.
You will find additional instructions of how to use your radionics
equipment in Part 3.
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