Magick, Orgone, Radionics
1.  Purpose
2.  Updates
3.  Inspection
4.  Warranty
5.  Disclaimer
Part 1:  Theory
1.  About Chi Generators
1.1.  Life Force and WCG
1.2.  Construction of WCG
1.3.  Purpose of the WCG
1.4.  Theory of Operation
1.4.1.  General Remarks
1.4.2.  Characteristics of Life Force
1.4.3.  Life Force and Hyper Spaces
1.4.4.  Operation of WCG
1.4.5.  Chi at any Distance
2.  Radionics and Orgone Generators
2.1.  It is Magick!
2.1.1.  The Trend-Link 
2.1.2.  The Target-Link
2.1.3.  Life Force 
2.2.  Radionics and Magick
2.2.1.  Structural Links and Life Force
2.2.2.  There’s Magick in Radionics!
2.2.3.  Radionics, Orgone, and Magick
2.3.  How Old Time Practitioners 
Have Been Generating Life Force
2.4.  The Structure of the Radionics Device
Part 2:
The Orgone Radionics Equipment 
and Accessories
1.  The EPG 1100 ET 
Operation of the EPG 1100 ET
1.1.  Setting Up
1.2.  Testing
1.3.  Setting of the Pulse Frequency
1.4.  Targeting
 1.5.  Action at a Distance 
2.  Attachments:  The Power Boosters
2.1.  The Power Booster (PB 2000)
2.2.  The Power Booster with Transfer Disk
2.3.  The Potency Booster PBTBH 2000
3.  The RAD 2000 Orgone Radionics Device
3.1.  General Description
Diagram of the RAD 2000
3.2.  Operation of the RAD 2000
3.2.1.  Setting Up:
3.3.2.  Setting of the Rate:
3.4.3.  Targeting Example: 
Success in Business.
4.  The RAD 2400 DL
Low Pulse Orgone Modules 
and Brain Frequencies
5.  The RAD 2400 HD
6.  The FPG 2400 
7.  The LPOG 2400 DL
8.  The LPOG 2200 HDS
Part 3:  Practical Uses and Hints
1.  To Increase the Power of the EPG
2.  To Improve Energy Transfer
3.  Send Energy to Yourself
5.  Use of the EPG or EPU to Energize Water
Part 4: 
A Step by Step 
Introduction to  NCP
Introductory Note
Neuro-Cybernetic Programming
Using Your Equipment from HSCTI
1.  The Beginning — Self-Help, 
Trust in Yourself!
1.1.  Feel the Energy Output
1.2.  Feel Differences in the Energy Output
1.3.  Feel the Energy Output at a Distance
1.4.  Energize Yourself with Structural Link
1.5.  Energize Distilled Water
1.7.  Self-Programming
2.  Intermediate – Practice of NCP
2.1.  Energy Transfer with the RAD 2000
2.2.  Intermediate Self-Programming
2.3.  Project Chi at Another Person,
2.4.  Relax Another Person
2.5.  Activate Another Person
2.6.  Establish a Business Success 
Program for Yourself
2.7.  Relationships
2.8.  Communications Management
3.  Advanced Methods
3.1.  Intuition, Intelligence, Creativity
3.2.  Tuning into People at a Distance
Using Structural Linkage (ESP)
3.3.  Meditation Practices
3.4.  Active Visualization Practices
The RI 2400 CD 
Radionic Program
Radionics Interface Setup
The Program
Image Boxes
Text Boxes
To use the program as an interface
with a RAD 2400 DL or RAD 2400 HDS
Conversely, to use the program as an
electronic stick pad of your 
RAD 2400 or RAD 2400 HDS

Part 3:  Practical Uses and Hints

... read also full beginner’s instructions in next section!

1.  To Increase the Power of the EPG

1.1.  Attach a Power Booster
 You increase the power output by attaching a Power Booster.  On devices with an output pipe of 1/2 inch diameter (such as the EPG 1100 ET, the EPG 2200 HDS, and the radionics devices), you slide the power booster over the pipe.

1.2.  Use a Second Exterior Module
 This option is possible with the Heavy Duty Models:  the LPOG 2200 and the RAD 2400 HD.  Plug the second module into the “input” jack above or below the power jack on the back panel of the device.

2.  To Improve Energy Transfer
 Two identical designs on paper are sufficient for transfer of energy.  A booster with transfer disk allows stronger transfer.
 Another way to enhance transfer is a radionics device or Frequency Pattern Generator.  Perform the following experiment:
1.  Take a photo (Polaroid is OK.) of the interior of a room.
2.  Choose a place somewhere in the room (maybe on top of the table).
3.  Mark a cross on the photo at that place where you want to project the energy.
4.  Put the photo into the well of the radionics device.
5.  Focussing on the place of transfer, get a rate for that place.
6.  Turn on the orgone generator (If you did not do that already at the start of the operation — you may set rates with the generator on or off)
7.  Go to the place and check for the energy.
 You may do the same experiment with a location that is thousands of miles away!
 The advantage of the radionics device or FPG is that you can reach with it anywhere.

3.  Send Energy to Yourself
 To send energy to yourself, you may use a photo or two identical transfer diagrams.  For smooth transfer of energies, uniqueness of the transfer diagram is important.  With unique transfer diagrams, leakage of energy is less likely.  Use a copying machine for exactness!  You may insert specific symbols into the designs, and then make photocopies of the individual designs: two, or in some instances, three.  Discard the original diagram after you finished copying.  You end up with two designs that will have nothing like it anywhere.  Put one diagram in front of the EPG or onto the well.  Take the other one somewhere else, put it on a surface, and check for transfer!  Do not put it on your knee, because your body may draw the energy and the palm of your hand will not be capable of feeling it.
 You may put any type of filter in between the EPG and the transfer structure.  It all depends on the kind of energy you like to have transferred to yourself: Letter Squares, the Alphabet of Desire, or any other symbol.  In that case, carry the transfer diagram on you.
 Set the rate of the pulse accordingly: Slow pulse speed when you are going to sleep and fast pulse speed in ordinary daytime activities.  For meditation use a very slow rhythm of the pulse.  For intuitive skills, relaxation, and cognition or for any form of ESP, try for yourself what gets best results!

4.  Use of the EPG or EPU to Energize Water
 As an experiment, set one gallon of distilled water in front of the EPG overnight.  Compare with water that you have not exposed to life energies.
 Water plants with energized water, and compare the growth of plants that you have watered with ordinary water.  In this case, you need not to use distilled water.

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