#1 Leader in Orgone Technology!
The International Web Site for Orgone Resources

(770) 924 0223 / Fax: 770 924 0223 - call before faxing- algol@magitech.com

...#1 Leader in Orgone Technology...

The RAD 2400 DL Orgone Radionic Device deLuxe

A six-dial (three dials to connect to the target, three dials for the trend-effect) radionic device with a built-in chi generator and an orgone (chi)-stick-pad.  The addition of pulsed life force (orgone, chi) to radionics makes it a reliable and effective tool to help in your magical work.  The most advanced principle in radionics there is.

The built-in chi generator has the low frequency option of the LPOM 2000:  6 frequencies to choose from plus the option of continuous settings.

The RAD 2400 DL comes with Transfer Disk.

A built-in Voltage Regulator eliminates the "ripple" from the AC-DC converter and keeps the voltage at a steady 8V DC.  Elimination of the "ripple" is ideal when it comes to energizing your body! 
Power supply:  AC-DC converter, 12V. 

The RAD 2400 HD Orgone Radionic Device Super Heavy Duty

Super Heavy Duty version of the RAD 2400 DL, built-in EPU 2200 HDS.  This awesome new technology adds continuous powerful life force to radionic settings for the most rapid success possible!  For increased flexibility you may connect the EPU inside the RAD 2400 HD to an additional exterior module such as the FPG 2400 or another LPOM 2000!  The RAD 2400 HD comes with two transfer disks.

A built-in Voltage Regulator eliminates the "ripple" from the AC-DC converter and keeps the voltage at a steady 8V DC.  Elimination of the "ripple" is ideal when it comes to energizing your body! 
Power supply:  AC-DC converter, 12V. 

Name Price
The RAD 2400 DL =  Orgone Radionic Device de Luxe
The RAD 2400 HD =  Super Heavy Duty Orgone Radionic Device de Luxe


EPG 1100 ET
LPOG 2400

RAD 2000
RAD 2400 DL
RAD 2400 HD
RI 2400 CD 

Ext. Pulse Modules
ESM 2000
LPOM 2000
FPG 2400

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(770) 924 0223