#1 Leader in Orgone Technology!
The International Web Site for Orgone Resources

(770) 924 0223 / Fax: 770 924 0223 - call before faxing- algol@magitech.com

...#1 Leader in Orgone Technology...
Sample Cards
of Filter Packs

The Alphabet 
of Desire

Stress Zapper and 
Energy Booster Pack

Sex Pack

Astrology Based 
Filters: Example

More Archaetypal 
Filters: Example


Filters and Sigils as Accessories to the Welz Chi Generators

In the previous pages, you have found out about the many advantages of the Welz Chi Generator and other equipment from HSCTI.  It is obvious by now that the Orgone Generator is the ultimate tool for self-help, success-work, and total trend management.  The Welz Chi  Generator makes this type magic as easy as child’s play.  The uses of the Equipment from HSCTI are infinite.  Only your imagination is the limit.  In the following you find accessories to the Chi Generators that function as structural links to various trends.  Many of them are preferred by professioanl magicians as well as beginners.  They are especially advantageous for the person who has problems with the use of radionic devices.  Radionic devices, as stated earlier, may be regarded as universal structural links.  The first group of links may be called "archaetypal" while the second group we call "magical"  The difference is a mere semantic one, because both groups are "magical" as well as "archaetypal."  The "magickal" group consists mainly of symbols that are drawn from sigils belonging to various magickal traditions and grimoires.

With your first order you receive a free sample package of sigils from different "packs."  This will help you decide which type filters you may want. 

Archaetypal Filter Packs

The Alphabet of Desire - $35.00
The Alphabet of Desire is a set of 30 cards with archetypal symbol designs.  These designs are structural representations (trend links) that account for basic desires that an individual may have.  Combine the cards and you can set up appropriate energy filters for most anything you plan to do:  From Self-Help to skillful Trend Management!  A good accessory, especially for the Self-Help Success Machine! 

Stress-Zapper/Energy-Booster Pack - $35.00
We live in an era that is a multiple daily challenge to our body, mind, and emotions.  This is so because the place where we are working is not safe, the food that we are eating is not safe, and the environment in which we are living is not safe.  Therefore the demands of life are often more than our body and mind can handle.  The usual results are enormous stress and lack of energy.  That’s where the Stress Zapper and Energy Booster Pack comes to your relief!  Use this set of tools one to two hours a day and you will notice a significant difference in how you feel:  relaxed and invigorated!  More importantly, you will likely get a lot more done than before and you are going to get it done well!  A combination with Autogenic Training is excellent for this purpose.

The Sex Pack - $35.00
The Sex-Pack is designed to bridge the gap between you and total sexual ecstasy with the partner that fits you best!  It is a set of archetypal links with envisioned trends that you can apply in most situations that arise in a relationship.  For instance, the sex-pack can help you find this special person who is the love of your life.  Describe the person whom you want to meet and put the appropriate filters of the sex-pack to work!

If you like to cause someone you know to look more favorably at you, select the appropriate filters to draw that special person towards you and boost it with the life energy from the EPG! 

If you need to rekindle an existing relationship and bring variation into your sex life, the Sex-Pack has the right filters for the purpose! 

There’s something for every taste and desire in this extraordinary set of archetypal designs!

Super Learning & Intelligence Pack - $35.00
The Super Learning and Intelligence Pack is designed to help increase mental skills!  Use Self-Management Techniques to help boost intelligence and intuition.  This exclusive package can make all learning and acquiring of new skills what it should be:  relaxing, easy, and fun!  Ideal in combination with low pulse orgone!

Business and Money Pack - $35.00
Pave your road to spectacular success with the help of this extraordinary set of Tools!  Designed to improve your efficiency, creative skills, intuition and logic in business and to get this feel of money that is so crucial for your overall success!  This set contains also an arsenal of tools that are helpful in your dealings with other people:  business partners, opponents, associates, employees, professionals, etc.

Legal Pack - $35.00
Covers many situations that may come up in legal matters

People Skills Pack - $35.00
An excellent help in dealing with people, partnerships, public speaking, etc.

Astrology Based Filter Cards:

Perfect representation of trends using planetary relationships.


Destroy Addictions

Optimism and Success

Overcome Worries

Pass Tests
Balance and Harmony

Calm Emotions

Cell Regeneration


Business Help:
Draw Conclusion

Gain Favors

Help Completion

Legal Matters

Safe Prosperous Travel

Cause Insanity

Chaos Bomb

Emotional Outbursts

Business Success:
Success in the Arts

Business Success in General

Find Excellent Job

Gambling and Stockmarket Luck

Money in General
Calm Turbulence

Destroy Plots


Reverse Evil

Solve Problems

Calm Down Aggression

Energy in General

Overcome Fatigue

Strength and Energy
Individual Skills:
Creative Inspiration

Creative Relaxation


Intuitive Dynamic

Wisdom and Knowledge
People Skills:

Excellent Teamwork

Influence Masses


Erotic Thoughts


Wild Abandon Lust

New Love

Solidify Existing Love

More Archaetypal Filter Cards:

Completely Trust Myself on All Levels
Achieving Consistency

Deep Relaxation and Peace of Body and Mind

Projecting Energy of One Spirit to Another

Irresistible to Others

Magnetic Appeal
Buildup of Intensity
Other Ways Around

Secure Success

Succeed Effortlessly

I am Thrillingly Romantic

Highly Tuned Instincts

Prices for Astrology Based and Archaetypal Filter Cards:
$3.00 per filter card.  10 or more: $2.50 each.  30 or more: $2.00 each

Name Price
The AD 30 - Alphabet of Desire $35.00
The ENB 50 - Stress-Zapper/Energy-Booster Pack $35.00 
The SXP 50 - Sex-Pack $35.00
The SLI 50 - Super Learning & Intelligence Pack $35.00
The BMP 50 - Business and Money Pack $35.00
The LP 50 - Legal Pack  $35.00
The GP 50 - Gambling Pack $35.00
The PSP 50 - People Skills Pack $35.00


EPG 1100 ET
LPOG 2400

RAD 2000
RAD 2400 DL
RAD 2400 HD
RI 2400 CD 

Ext. Pulse Modules
ESM 2000
LPOM 2000
FPG 2400

Magic of the Future Scientific Course

A Course in Cosmic Consciousness

Free on the Net

A Course in Autogenic Training

Free on the Net

Filters and Sigils


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© 1996 Hyper Space Communications & Technologies Inc.

(770) 924 0223