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The International Web Site for Orgone Resources
(770) 924 0223 / Fax: 770 924 0223 - call before faxing- algol@magitech.com
Leader in Orgone Technology...
The RAD 2000 Orgone Radionics Device
The RAD 2000 is a standard three dial radionic device with a built-in orgone generator. While the radionic dials are used to connect with a specific desired trend and/or target of a magical operation, the EPU intensifies the action and gives it the psychic power (life force) to succeed. A combination of radionics and orgone physics is powerful magic for assured success! Uses: The radionic device is "the universal sigil" for the magician of the future. Rather than using a symbol (such as a card of any one of the filter “packs”) to determine a trend energy that is designed to a desired effect, the 3-know radionic box utilizes settings (rates) of the envisioned energies. For more insights about the use of structural links and life force, we recommend that you study the course “Magic of the Future” by Karl Welz. The three dial version is mainly used to establishe a desired trend-target combination. We recommend a PBT 2000 power booster with transfer disk to increase output and for smooth transfer of energy. A built-in Voltage Regulator
eliminates the "ripple" from the AC-DC converter and keeps the voltage
at a steady 8V DC. Elimination of the "ripple" is ideal when
it comes to energizing your body!
Catalog Radionics Ext.
Pulse Modules Courses |
Manual |