#1 Leader in Orgone Mind Machine Technology!

HSCTI Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International

924 0223 / Fax: 770 924 0223 - call before faxing
The shortest distance between two points in the universe is a structural link™
Power-Radionics™ Equipment for
        Fitness, Sports, Body Building
             Trend Management,
                  Mind Control, and
                       Positive Permanent Solutions!

Special Applications of
Chi Energy Technology, Welz Chi Generators®,

Power Radionics™ Devices, and Accessories

Using the Welz Chi Generator®
when practicing NLP

The Welz Chi Generator® and Power Radionics™ Devices are the most advanced tools to support your use of NLP.

When linking yourself to a Welz Chi generator® while practicing NLP, you can become significantly more effective by choosing exactly the right words while writing, talking to others in private, talking in a conference or talking in public. This can be still more effective when you set up a Chi-boosted radionics device.

You can add a second Chi radionics device to the operation and set it up to influence the person(s) with whom you are interacting to help you make it a lot easier to get your point accross.

The following applications of this extraordinary new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Welz Chi Generators, orgone radionics devices and power radionics programs.

Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

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body building electrosmog, DOR, geopathic stress intelligence music sports
brainwaves energy intuition Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) supplements
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© 1996 Hyper Space Communications & Technologies Inc.