World Leader in Life Energy Technology
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and
Orgone Radionics™
HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International, Atlanta, USA
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary
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Here you can get the most powerful advanced technology for
self improvement   Self-Improvement, Balance, Intellectual Skills
     fitness and weight loss   Fitness, Sports, Weight Loss, Body Building
          control of destiny   Trend Management, Control of Destiny
               popularity and mind control   Mind Control, Popularity and Charisma

Orgone Generators® are Powerful Tools for you to help you achieve ...
general success  Assured Success Faster and Easier
orgonite results  Results that are More Effective than ever before
positive permanent solutions  Positive Permanent Solutions
               orgonite devices  ... at the Flip of a Switch!

It's fun, it's exciting, and you certainly can be laid
back and relax while you expect assured success!

Accessories to the Orgone Generators®

The PBT 2400 Power Booster and the
PBT 2400 HD Power Booster for HD-Devices

The Power Boosters of the PBT 2400 series are made of our Super-Orgonite® composite material that is significantly more powerful than the original orgonite®. Therefore it will more than triple the output power of the JU 99 CE and it effectively doubles the output of any middle of the line device (such as the LPOG 2400 DL), while adding strength to the top of the line Heavy Duty Orgone Generators®.

The PBT 2400 as well as the PBT 2400 HD come with a Transfer Disk.  This Transfer Disk will give you assured smoother transfer of life energy.  A built-in structural link connects the Transfer Disk with its Power Booster.

Uses: Carry the Transfer Disk on you while your Orgone Generator® with attached Power Booster is in your home.  With this simple arrangement, you can carry the life energy of your Orgone Generator® with you - any place in the universe!

The PBT 2400
Above with the JU 99 and the JU 1000, the power of which is effectively tripled, as a result of the Super Orgonite® of which the power booster and transfer disk are made.  Simply slide the PBT 2400 over the output silver tubing of the JU 99 or any device that is not HD: the JU 1000 and the LPOG 2400 DL.
The PBT 2400 HD

Shown above with the LPOG 2400 HD and the Performer 2400.  This power booster has a larger silver tubing to fit the larger diameter silver tubing of HD-devices, the power of which it increases significantly, as a result of the Super Orgonite® of which the power booster and transfer disk are made.  Simply slide the PBT 2400 over the output silver tubing of the LPOG 2400 HD (above) or any other HD device such as the Performer 2400 HD (also above).

Videos about orgone energy sciences and technology
Orgone energy (Homepage)

Orgone energy and radionics

History of orgone energy- I
Mesmer and Reichenbach
Wilhelm Reich and orgone
Orgone generator® - my invention
My invention of orgonite®
Should I have patented?
Basics about structural links
Deadly orgone and pulsating orgone
Structural links - diagrams
Applications of orgone energy
orgone energy optimize water

better food, herbs and supplements

orgone energy for plants
counteract EMF pollution, DOR
orgone generators® for weight loss
fitness training and body building
intellect, creativity, mental skills
gaming, gambling, stocks, trading
orgone to boost potency and sex
orgone generators®, love and sex
orgone, leadership and politics
orgone generators and marketing
Water Optimizer_CE 69

Orgone Generator® Performer 2400

Portable Water Optimizer CE 99
Water Optimizer AO 1100
Water Optimizer AO 2000
Orgone Generators® JU 99 Series
Orgone Generator® JU 1000
Orgone Generators® LPOG DL/HD
Orgone Generator® PCHD 2400

© 1996 Hyper Space Communications & Technologies Inc.