World Leader in Orgone Technology!
Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the
Orgone Generator®, Orgonite® and orgone boosted radionics
International Web Site for Orgone and Radionics Resources
of the Orgone Generator®: Beyond the Orgone Accumulator! A Gigantic Step into the Future !!!
The CEG 1000 Orgone energy / chi / prana / life force for agriculture, plants, lawns Orgone generators® to boost artistic inspiration With the help of orgone energy get rid of unwanted attachments, demonic forces, negative spellworks Use the Orgone Radionics machines to counteract psychic attacks The PFC 2000/2400 use orgone energy to achieve balance brainwaves and orgone generators® Show more charisma, be more outgoing, with the help of orgonite-based orgone radionics machines Use the orgone generator to help you win in sports competitions orgone energy to draw new customers Methods of action at a distance (in fact, some call it "magic") and Radionics have a CFP (Common Functional Principle): Counteract consequences of electromagnetic pollution, DOR, more energy with the help of your orgone generator® and orgonite® Orgone generators® affirmations and manifestation software to help develop esp and psychic skills The RAD 1000 The magick of friendship - enhance it with the orgone generator® and manifestation software herbs, supplements and orgone technology The RAD 2000 herbs, radionics and orgone technology The RAD 2400 HD use your orgone generator® to boost intelligence and intuition How to use your orgone generator® to help in lawsuits the orgone generator® as a decisive help in relationships and love The Performer The magic of powerful marketing boosted with orgone generators® Use the chi generator® to block attempts of mind control The RAD 5 Manifestation technology, musical creativity and success One of the most powerful tools in politics popularity with the help of the orgone generator®, affirmations, etc. The ATG 12 You can use the orgone generator® to help your profession and career How to help relationships with orgonite technology The AO 2000 Orgone technology to boost supplements Orgone generators® for weight control The AO 1100
Important! Both, the target-link and the trend-link are structural representations of either trends (desired change) or targets of your action. Actually, when you focus mentally on a person, location, desired effect, etc., your brain establishes a structural link. Naturally, such focusing can be a real challenge for you: namely that you cannot keep your focus with one and the same thing at all times. This is so, because “moving around” is one of the characteristics of our brain. Long time ago, therefore, practitioners developed methods to “freeze” these structural links. Objects that are prepared with the intent to connect to a specific target, or trend, are such links. Of recent, the radionics device with its “abstract” settings (numeric “rates”) turned out to be a great tool for this purpose. More traditional and very effective tools are archetypal symbols, which, like the setting of radionics rates, have been made with a special intent in mind. Because of the processes of abstraction and focusing that are involved, we label these symbols, radionic rates and objects “equivalent structural links” as compared to the more obvious “near-identical” or “similar structural links.” |
The Importance of Orgone Energy (Chi, prana, life force, mana, Od, animal magnetism, personal magnetism, etc.) The characteristics and function of structural links are easy to understand. For life energy, distance is result of structural differences. To explain the mechanisms that cause life energy to join a target with a trend, especially with structural links that are abstractions such as things you write down, images, software such as the manifestation program, the settings of a radionics device, or symbols, all this requires knowledge of the characteristics of life energy. Such understanding is still more important for an understanding of thought forms, how they develop and why they can continue to activate a previously set trend in a target (person) after the original operation (usually action at a distance) has been discontinued. Traditional operators knew about this (with the exception of radionics) for thousands of years and they based their work on such knowledge. This knowledge resulted from their practical experience. They knew very well that the operations that they powered with life energy yielded much better results. The radionics machine of the traditional kind, on the other hand, sometimes did not bring such an effect, mostly because of a lack of the necessary life energy. The average radionics practitioner simply is unaware of the importance of life energy for his or her success. Typically, such a traditional radionics machine remains turned on until the effect materializes. With the invention of the Orgone Generator® and the introduction of orgone energy boosted radionics (Power Radionics™), this situation changed dramatically, of course! A radionics operator who works with a Power-Radionics™ machine (life force boosted radionics machine) can now operate like a traditional practitioner, shaman or magician, in fact, much more effectively and setting up an operation is much easier: Set the radionics machine (or the manifestation sortware) and run it for an hour or two. Then turn the machine off and wait for the success of the operation. You can repeat several times in intervals of one or more days. With the Orgone Generator®, you can naturally turn every radionics machine into a Power Radionics™ machine and you can turn any manifestation software into a Power Radionics™ software !!! In the following, we will explain to you in simple terms how radionics works so that you know why the technology of Power Radionics™ (life energy boosted radionics) is way ahead of traditional radionics. |
With our equipment, i.e., the Orgone Generators®, we have performed double blind experiments. We have demonstrated that equivalent structural links (abstractions such as arbitrarily set rates in a radionics device, or archetypal symbols) allow transfer of life energy as effectively as near-identical links do. On the other hand, traditional practitioners could have told us the same thing all along thousands of years ago! All their work and experience have been based on the principle of life energy transfer at any distance. They had the experience over and over again, and therefore, they needed no experimental proof. |
Of orgone energy we know that (1)
it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical
structures, and The second characteristic of orgone energy can establish linkage if the connection is not exactly identical, even to the point of being pure abstractions (such as written down trend energies, images, software settings, numeric “rates” as in radionics, symbols, mantras, thoughts, or objects) that are established by the human brain while focusing on trend or target. Orgone energy automatically connects with the final target for which such an “abstraction” has been established originally with help of the human brain. This process is similar to heat traveling the “path of least resistance” (“preferring,” so to say, heat conducting materials) when following the law of entropy from higher potential to lower potential until a balance (equal potential) between the two is reached. The setup of your operation, then, would compare to the ducts in a heating system of a house. On the typical operation for manifestation, then, one link connects with the trend while the other link connects with the target. Both links being in the same place (next to the orgone generator or otherwise connected with it), a connection builds between trend and target. With this connection between trend and target achieved, the trend energy will define actions of the target person. With additional mental targeting (intent), i.e., the use of trend energies of a more complex nature, such a connection can also take the aspect of a thought form. This means that, using abstractions and corresponding settings, you can achieve permanence after the original setup of your operation has been discontinued. The same principle certainly is valid for any action at a distance! Naturally, you need sufficient orgone energy, ideally from an Orgone Generator®, to power up such a thought form and to keep it alive. Repeating the operation will then re-charge it. This procedure is certainly more efficient than leaving the traditional set up active, i.e., "turned on," until the goal is achieved, and this can easily be outperformed by people who know how to harness life force. The Orgone Generator®, when connected with such an operation, for instance when built into the Power Radionics™ machine (as available from HSCTI) and/or connected with the manifestation software assures rapid results and the development of powerful thought forms. While middle of the line machines are great for personal use, the HD devices assure massive supply of life energy for multiple simultaneous operations as well as for complex and difficult situations. By now it is obvious that the natural characteristics of life energy make such action at a distance possible. For persons who are unaware of its basic functions (reversed entropy and structural transfer), life force appears to be a “medium” that is “modulated” by trend energies which it then “carries” to the target. Such an assumption is as primitive as the assumption of some practitioners who kill chicken in order to “feed” their spirit servants with life energy. Experienced traditional practitioners of all times in history knew very well this simple fact: No action at a distance, no magic, without orgone energy (or whatever word they had for life energy)! Orgone Energy obviously carries the secret of positive permanent change and mind control at a distance, and therefore Orgone Energy is the fuel of all action at a distance, including the comparably recent radionics! The challenge that traditional practitioners faced, then, was to have access to large amounts of life energy (many of them called it “psychic power” back then), to do effective work. Their methods to generate life energy have been as varied as the cultures and religions into which they were born. Some of the more advanced practitioners always knew how to draw life energy from the universe around them, while the majority of practitioners used an array of other methods, such as generating life energy in one’s own body (tai chi), generating it by means of strong emotions (think of the massive energy in charismatic churches), and by having groups dance or walk in circles. Some traditions such as Voodoo and Santeria are still practicing animal sacrifice to cause strong releases of life energy. It is obvious by now that the capability to generate massive amounts of life energy (orgone energy) makes action at a distance, including modern methods such as radionics, motivational setups for success, vision boards, "the secret," etc., easy for any person! This certainly has been one of the reasons, why many shamans, priests, and other professionals of the past and of the present decided to guard their powerful secrets like precious gems! Under no circumstances did they want to lose their very lucrative incomes. |
During the course of life energy research, additional characteristics of life energy became obvious. Wilhelm Reich and others after him demonstrated the existence of DOR, or deadly orgone. This is a form of life energy (Reich was the one who called it orgone), which, according to Reich, has “turned stale.” In our days, this type energy is often connected with strong electro smog such as under fluorescent lights. Many persons feel strangely weakened, even sick, under such conditions. DOR originates also under certain natural conditions. Of course, such natural DOR eventually transforms back into healthy orgone, because of the impact of the living pulse of natural orgone on our planet. In artificial surroundings however, such as under continuous impact of electro smog, such transformation is counteracted continuously with the generation of new DOR, in which case the weakening and depressing atmosphere remains. The person who is familiar with traditional orgone accumulators (an orgone accumulator passively draws orgone from the surrounding atmosphere while the Orgone Generator® generates massive amounts of orgone energy) knows that such devices can “foul up” with DOR in an atmosphere with deadly orgone (DOR) present. Reich had to find out about this the hard way in his famous “Oranur Experiment.” The Orgone Generator®, with its massive and continuous supply of pulsed orgone can saturate any atmosphere that contains DOR with pulsating life energy. Therefore it naturally transforms DOR back into healthy pulsating orgone even when large amounts of DOR are present. For instance, if an orgone generator® (continuously emitting orgone that pulsates naturally) is running next to any one of our DOR generators, their life-threatening emanations of DOR are instantly transformed into healthy orgone. In fact, any orgone accumulating device (orgone accumulator, orgone shooter, orgone blanket and the like) that has fouled up in such an atmosphere of DOR can be restored to its original accumulating function normally again within minutes when put next to an Orgone Generator® or when connected with an Orgone Generator® using a structural link. Note: Of recent, there are devices on the market, which passively attract orgone. In fact, these devices are orgone accumulators, which some of their manufacturers falsely try to huckster as “orgone generators” or "chi generators." The difference to the traditional orgone accumulator is that they have additional features such as crystals; some of them are built in the shape of pyramids, and the like. That's all, and naturally they do "foul up" easily in bad environments, becoming focal points of DOR. |
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This is the diagram of a typical operation at a distance, for self-help and self-improvement, which lacks the supply of life energy, usually because the operator is unaware of the importance of orgone energy. Some orgone energy is drawn from the surroundings or the operator. Results are possible. This type operation has a high rate of failure! |
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The same operation as above, when performed by a knowledgeable practitioner who supplies the operation with orgone energy, either his own using various practices or by killing ("sacrificing") a chicken or other animal. Good results! |
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operation, with a continuous supply
of massive amounts of orgone energy from an Orgone
Generator®! The continuous supply of orgone energy keeps the projected
trend energies going. Results can come fast. Success can be possible also
in situations where everything else seems to fail! Reliable Results! |
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"traditional" radionics device. The radionics operator has no idea of the importance of orgone energy. The transfer is possible because of the relatively weak life energy field surrounding the device and the fact that the device is set till results show - or the operator gives up. Highly Unreliable! For a skilled practitioner it is easy to interfere with this type operation! |
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Traditional radionics device that is boosted by an Orgone Generator®. The massive supply of life energy ensures fast action, Highly Successful! This is a radionics device with separate trend and target settings and Orgone Generator®. More precision and direction. Highly Successful and Flexible! |
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Diagram of the RAD 2400 HD Orgone Radionics™ Device with separate Trend- and Target settings as well as a Heavy Duty Orgone Generator®. More precision and direction. Results can come fast. Success can be possible also in very difficult situations where everything else seems to fail! |
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The Power Manifestation™ Program goes beyond mere trend- and target settings by including basic action, alternative target (can be used for grounding in case of repercussion) and trend in the environment. It is connected with an Orgone Generator® (Chi Generator®) by a structural/digital link for powerful action! Extremely Flexible and Successful! See also! |
Old Time Practitioners From the previous chapter it became obvious that, to act successfully at a distance, even thousands of miles away, shamans, spiritual workers and practitioners of magic of all ages had to find ways of generating the necessary life energy, or "psychic power." Their approaches have been as varied as the cultures and religions into which they were born. The more evolved practitioners of magic always knew how to draw life energy from the universe around them. The majority of practitioners, however, used an array of other methods such as generating life energy in one's own body (tai chi), generating it by means of strong emotions, and by having groups dance or walk in circles. Some traditions such as Voodoo and Santeria are still practicing animal sacrifice to cause strong releases of life force. The
New Orgone Generator® (Chi Generator®), With the new Orgone Generator® that is built into your operational set-up, connected to your manifestation software or built into your radionics machine , you have now a decisive advantage over any one of these old-time practitioners. In fact, we are offering radionics machines with built-in orgone generators®. This is so, because now you can use this exciting new technology, which can provide your work with a continuous supply of life energy and power up your operations. None of the traditional shamans or other practitioners can draw life energy continuously with their limited means! No coven can walk in circles and chant at all times, and no follower of the Santeria or Voodoo traditions can kill chicken or goats at all times to supply continuous power to their spell work. Terefore the orgone generator® (Chi generator®) powering your operation towards manifestation, motivational work, or inside one of ourPower Radionics™ machines is the power center of your personal ROAD to SUCCESS, because will supply your operations with strong Life Energy continuously!!! Orgone Energy (life energy, chi, prana, etc.) is now accessible to everybody who has the open mind to use this exciting new technology! Therefore, to gain a technological EDGE over others is extremely easy. All that's needed is a structural link, such as a hair, photo, or signature, together with a structural setting on your operation or radionics machine, to the target with a representative of the type energy that you intend to send. Your Equipment does the rest for you at the flip of a switch! This amazing new technology certainly opens up entirely new dimensions in all types of action at a distance! It is all you need for powerful impact upon your destiny!!! With such powerful equipment in your hands, it does not matter at all if you are fully trained according to some tradition, "esoteric, alternative" or other, or not. This is so, because the new Power Manifestation technology provides you with a technological edge over any person who does not own and use this extraordinary equipment. The Orgone Generator® is offering you the new technological solution to the age-old challenge of generating permanent positive change !!! As a result of the invention of the Orgone Generator® (Chi Generator®), action at a distance to effect change and manifestation of your desires will never be the same again! The situation that followed the invention of the Orgone Generator® back in 1991 was very much like it was in the old times when cars were beginning to substitute the more traditional ways of transportation such as buggies and horses. Traditional radionics, shamanic practice and other practices such as motivational techniques consisting of standing in front of a mirror, repeating some affirmations over and over again, from now on out, may be something romantic to do such as is riding in a buggy for a tourist. It's for the nostalgic person who likes its trappings, its ancient ritual, and the clumsiness of its working!!! Naturally,
since it is fast results, lasting solutions, and permanent positive
change that you want, the use of modern technological equipment is certainly
more appropriate for you than walking in circles, chanting barbarisms,
and killing chickens! With Your Orgone Generator®, you have
now the tool to outperform any advanced practitioner, magician, or shaman,
who does not use this exciting new technology!!!
In all actuality, by now it certainly is the time for you to take the next natural step: to acquire this exciting cutting edge technology, based on orgone-boosted operational methods, which has an unlimited potential for you now !!! You can effectively use this technology to get an assured technological edge in every day life such as in prosperity and abundance, relationships and sex !!! Click
here to Continue ... |
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